2,573 DWI Arrests in December According to Minnesota DPS

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety recently released the results of its December “enhanced DWI enforcement campaign” in Minnesota. Law enforcement agencies from around the state reported a total of 2,573 DWI arrests.  The State Patrol, which reportedly has 591 uniformed troopers, accounted for 606 arrests.  

In the Twin Cities, the Minneapolis P.D. arrested the most drivers – 62 arrests.  The Bloomington P.D. and St. Paul P.D. finished tied with 52 arrests, followed by Eden Prairie P.D. (42), Carver County Sheriff’s Office (32), Robbinsdale P.D. (30), Crystal P.D. (29), Edina P.D. (24), and Maplewood P.D. (22).

Considering that 29,918 DWI arrests occurred in 2010, December’s one-month total of 2,573 isn’t much more than the monthly average unless the report omits some police agencies.  The DPS further published a list of the results of all reporting agencies, along with each agency’s highest reported blood alcohol concentration.  The highest reported BAC was 0.39. 

Historically, the DPS reports that there were 32,756 DWI arrests statewide in 2009, 35,794 in 2008, 38,669 in 2007, and  41,951 in 2006.  The trend is a steady decrease in the number of DWI arrests from 2006 to 2010 even though the population has increased.  If enforcement activity has been constant or even increasing since 2006, then the trend indicates a reduction in impaired driving.     

By | 2018-09-05T21:42:23-05:00 |Minnesota DWI News, Minnesota DWI Statistics|0 Comments

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